首页 > 技能攻略 > 王者荣耀英文怎么换?攻略分享王者荣耀换英文界面
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  • 大小:16.09MB 版本:v4.42
  • 语言:简体中文系统:Android
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作者:佚名 来源:网友分享 发布日期:2024-5-17 14:21:11

王者荣耀 (Wángzhě Róngyào), also known as Honor of Kings, is a popular mobile multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game developed and published by Tencent Games. It has gained immense popularity in China and other parts of the world, attracting millions of active players. While the game is primarily available in Chinese, it is possible to change the interface to English, allowing non-Chinese speakers to enjoy the game. In this article, we will share a guide on how to switch the interface of Wangzhe Rongyao from Chinese to English.

Step-by-Step Guide

Follow the steps below to change the language of Wangzhe Rongyao from Chinese to English:

Step 1: Open the Game

Start by launching the Wangzhe Rongyao game on your mobile device or emulator. Make sure you have a stable internet connection to ensure a smooth experience.

Step 2: Login to Your Account

After the game has launched, log in with your account credentials. If you do not have an account yet, you may need to create one before proceeding.

Step 3: Tap on the “Settings” Icon

Once you are logged in, locate and tap on the “Settings” icon within the game. It is usually represented by a gear or cogwheel symbol. This will open the game settings menu.

Step 4: Select the “Language” Option

In the game settings menu, look for the “Language” option. It might be listed as “语言” or something similar. Tap on it to access the language selection menu.

Step 5: Choose “English”

In the language selection menu, you will see a list of available languages. Find and select “English” to switch the game interface from Chinese to English.

Step 6: Confirm the Change

After selecting “English,” a confirmation dialog may appear asking you to confirm the language change. Tap on the confirmation button to apply the changes.

Step 7: Restart the Game

To ensure the language switch takes effect, exit the game completely and then relaunch it. The game should now display the interface and text in English.


Changing the Wangzhe Rongyao game interface from Chinese to English is a simple process that can enhance your gaming experience if you do not understand Chinese. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can easily switch the language and navigate through the game using English text. Now, non-Chinese speakers can also immerse themselves in the thrilling world of Wangzhe Rongyao.


