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作者:佚名 来源:网友分享 发布日期:2024-5-17 01:20:56

王者荣耀 (Wángzhě Róngyào), also known as Arena of Valor, is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game that has gained immense popularity in China and abroad. With millions of players around the world, it has become a global gaming phenomenon. In this article, we will discuss how to rank the heroes in King of Glory in English.

Understanding the Hero Ranking System

The hero ranking system in King of Glory is based on various factors, including the hero’s abilities, strengths, weaknesses, and overall viability in different game modes. The developers regularly update and balance the heroes to ensure fair gameplay and provide an enjoyable experience for all players.

S-Tier Heroes

The S-tier heroes in King of Glory are considered the most powerful and valuable picks in the game. These heroes excel in their roles and have significant impact on the outcome of a match. Some of the S-tier heroes include Lu Bu, Valhein, and Murad. These heroes possess exceptional skills and can turn the tide of battle in their team’s favor.

A-Tier Heroes

The A-tier heroes are also quite strong and can make a big difference in the game. They have good abilities and can contribute significantly to their team’s success. Examples of A-tier heroes are Zill, Maloch, and Tel’Annas. These heroes are considered reliable picks and can be a great asset to any team.

B-Tier Heroes

The B-tier heroes are average in terms of strength and overall viability. While they may not be as powerful as the S-tier or A-tier heroes, they still have their unique strengths and can be effective in certain situations. Some B-tier heroes include Butterfly, Skud, and Krixi. These heroes can be viable options if played strategically and synergistically with the team.

C-Tier Heroes

The C-tier heroes are generally considered weaker compared to other heroes in the game. They may lack the necessary abilities or have certain weaknesses that make them less popular picks. However, with proper skill and teamwork, they can still contribute to their team’s success. Some examples of C-tier heroes are Omega, Taara, and Mganga.

D-Tier Heroes

The D-tier heroes are the least popular and are commonly avoided by competitive players. They may have significant weaknesses or lack the necessary power to make a difference in the game. Picking a D-tier hero can put a team at a disadvantage, but skilled players may still find ways to utilize their strengths effectively. Some D-tier heroes include Veera, Alice, and Thane.


Ranking the heroes in King of Glory is subjective, as different players may have different preferences and playstyles. However, understanding the general tier system can provide valuable insights into the overall strength and viability of each hero. Whether you prefer S-tier powerhouses or enjoy the challenge of playing with C-tier heroes, remember that skill, teamwork, and strategy are key to achieving success in the game.


